Improve Development Speed and Predictability

CloudBees helps development teams make releases safer and faster, without having to sacrifice innovation while providing the insights engineering leaders need to improve software delivery.

Learn How CloudBees Helps Improve Development Speed and Predictability

Enterprises have increasing pressure to deliver more features faster as software development continues to grow as a differentiator. Learn how feature flags help development teams make releases safer and faster, without having to sacrifice innovation.

Read the Ultimate Feature Flag Guide
  • Decouple deployments from releases

    Feature flags allow features to be deployed to production when the development team is ready and revealed to customers when the business is ready. Decoupling feature releases from code deployments gets developers back to doing what they do best - creating the next big feature!

  • Eliminate “Merge Hell”

    Developers can create features directly in the trunk and use feature flags to disable them so that they receive all updates to the code but are not yet enabled before they’re ready to go. Gone are the days of developers rushing to be the first one done with their feature branch so they do not have to deal with the merge headaches.

  • Expedite testing safely in production environments

    Testing environments cannot ever fully mimic the dynamics of production, which leads to unanticipated bugs at deployment. Feature flags provide a safe method for shifting a level of testing to production, from infrastructure testing to user acceptance testing (UAT).

  • Quantify where engineering time is spent

    How much of the engineering effort goes towards new innovation and adding business value? Track and measure engineering time spent on new feature development, support, QA and maintenance in order to better balance resources between delivering fast enough on the important initiatives and addressing technical debt or dealing with interruptions.

  • Focus development work on the right things

    Easily determine what projects or epics have progressed forward and where other work is slowing down and blocking prioritized development work. Have the visibility to proactively remove barriers and distractions so your teams can focus on delivering as planned.

  • Improve software delivery speed and predictability

    Measure your team’s cycle time from when development started to when changes are deployed. Discover areas in the software delivery process that are not working well and reducing velocity. Identify process improvements, giving you confidence in your team's development agility in order to deliver quickly, frequently and predictably.


Macmillan Makes the Grade with CloudBees Feature Management

Macmillan adopted feature flagging capabilities with CloudBees to separate software deployments from releases, enabling more innovation and greater flexibility to software developers and product teams while reducing risk.

How CloudBees Engineers Use Feature Flags to Gain a Competitive Edge

Our adoption of a “feature flag-driven development culture” has permanently changed the way we develop, experiment with and release new features in our product. Learn what feature flags could do for you.

Try It Today

See for yourself how CloudBees Feature Management helps engineering teams release secure software faster, without sacrificing innovation

The CloudBees Advantage

Increase Developer Productivity

Decouple feature releases from code deployments and free up more time for development.

Measure and Improve Engineering Team Performance

Leverage engineering data for the insights to keep engineering teams focused on delivering against planned initiatives quickly and predictably.

Shorten Feedback Loops

Safely roll out new features to select users in production to get real feedback and iteration loops before full release.

CloudBees Solutions for Improving Software Speed and Predictability

Manage Engineering Efficiency

Track and measure engineering productivity to optimize software delivery speed, predictability, quality and cost.

Feature Flags and Management

Release and manage new features rapidly at scale. Share common visibility and governance of flags across the entire SDLC.

Value Stream Management

Visualize value flow and access key DevOps analytics.

"We have multiple versions of our feature functionality and initiatives that we are able to break up into milestones and deliver incrementally over time. This allows us to slowly bring value, usefulness and adoption to a certain feature over time instead of all-at-once."
Huu Le
Engineering Manager
Macmillan Learning

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Help development teams make releases safer and faster, without having to sacrifice innovation