CloudBees Integrates Amazon Virtual Private Cloud and Other Amazon Web Services to Simplify and Accelerate Application Development

Application Developers Can Securely Connect to Enterprise Data and Utilize Additional AWS Services to Accelerate Delivery of Enterprise Java Cloud Applications

AWS RE:INVENT, LAS VEGAS, NV - November 27, 2012 - CloudBees, Inc. , the Java Platform as a Service (PaaS) innovation leader, today announced improved integration of the CloudBees Platform with several of the services offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) including Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). The combination of the CloudBees Platform services along with content delivery, database, networking and storage services from AWS provide a rich set of capabilities for developers of enterprise Java applications.

The CloudBees Platform consists of development and runtime services including forge repositories, continuous integration, testing, staging, continuous deployment and multiple Java runtime containers. All of the CloudBees services have been designed to run on the highly reliable and scalable AWS Cloud computing platform. CloudBees utilizes AWS regions in North America and Europe for production deployment.

While CloudBees supports multiple infrastructure cloud providers, its AWS commitment makes CloudBees the PaaS of choice for companies using AWS who value deep cloud-based development and testing capabilities, runtime flexibility and a fully managed infrastructure.

With CloudBees, Java developers can now easily take advantage of the rich set of services provided by AWS including content delivery, database, networking and storage services. The following set of services is immediately available to developers to incorporate into their applications:

  • Amazon VPC - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) can be used in conjunction with the CloudBees Platform to create applications that access enterprise data and services in a highly secure way. Amazon VPC provides a private, isolated section of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud where developers can launch AWS resources in a virtual network. Developers can leverage the enhanced security of Amazon VPC in combination with the fully managed CloudBees PaaS. CloudBees experts are available to discuss specific security, topology or process concerns utilizing Amazon VPC.

  • Amazon RDS - Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) puts you in direct control of your hosted database while offloading much of the mundane administration. You can eliminate latency issues by colocating an Amazon RDS database with your application running on the CloudBees Platform.

  • Amazon DynamoDB - Amazon DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability. AWS manages the scaling based on your service level requirements.

  • Amazon CloudFront - Deliver faster response times to your users by taking advantage of edge-based static caching using Amazon's CloudFront, as well as AWS's optimized network routing back to your CloudBees-managed origin servers running on AWS.

  • Amazon S3 and Amazon SQS - CloudBees-hosted applications that need simple persistent storage and queuing can take advantage of Amazon's Simple Storage Service and Simple Queue Service directly.

"Together Amazon Web Services and the CloudBees Platform offer us tremendous flexibility, choice and most importantly simplicity in application development and deployment," said Dominique Péré, CTO and co-founder, "This allows us to focus on our business and creating innovative applications, not application infrastructure."

"AWS is constantly upping the value of the public cloud with great new services and competitive pricing," said Steven G. Harris, senior vice president of products, CloudBees. "It's important both to developers and deployers of applications that they can easily take advantage of AWS investments while enjoying the additional benefits of CloudBees fully managed, developer-focused platform as a service."

For More Information

  • Learn more about utilizing Amazon Web Services with the CloudBees Platform

About CloudBees
CloudBees ( ) turbo-charges the way Java applications are built and deployed to meet the rapid pace of business in an on-line and increasingly mobile world. By eliminating the friction caused by provisioning, maintaining and administering complex hardware and software infrastructure, we streamline and accelerate the entire Java application lifecycle from development to deployment. The CloudBees Platform provides a set of rich services that are easily consumed by developers, allowing them to rapidly build and deploy new business applications with zero IT administrative overhead. Our AnyCloud Service Architecture enables those applications to be easily deployed to any public, regional or enterprise cloud environment. CloudBees serves the needs of a wide range of businesses from small startups that want to focus on quickly creating new on-line businesses to large IT organizations that need to rapidly respond to new business application projects.

Backed by Matrix Partners and Lightspeed Venture Partners, CloudBees was founded in 2010 by former JBoss CTO Sacha Labourey and an elite team of middleware and open source technology professionals.

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Media Contact
Emily Trevallion
PAN Communications