The Company's Unique Hosted Development Services Brings Continuous Integration and Deployment Capabilities to Google App Engine for Both Java and Python Developers
JAVAONE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA - October 1, 2012 - CloudBees, Inc., the Java Platform as a Service (PaaS) innovation leader, announced another industry first today by bringing Jenkins-based continuous integration and deployment capabilities to Java and Python application developers who want to deploy applications to Google App Engine.
Jenkins, the open source continuous integration server, has rapidly become the defacto standard for teams looking to accelerate their development processes and improve software quality. CloudBees DEV@cloud includes a hosted Jenkins service as part of its rich set of development services, as well as integrated partner services that can be added with a single click, including JFrog's Artifactory, SauceLabs OnDemand and SonarSource.
Google App Engine developers can now instantly sign up for DEV@cloud using their existing Google account, taking advantage of OAuth-based control to enable CloudBees-hosted services to deploy directly to Google App Engine. Google App Engine developers using both Java and Python now have immediate access to the end-to-end capabilities needed to set up continuous integration pipelines and testing environments using CloudBees pay-as-you-go, cloud-based services seamlessly integrated with Google App Engine.
"We are a big user of Google App Engine for the deployment of web and mobile applications for our customers in France," said Didier Girard, chief operating officer, Sfeir, and a Google Developers Expert 2012. "For us, the ability to use CloudBees DEV@cloud for application development and then automatically deploy the completed application to Google App Engine is a game changer. We can deliver applications in a more streamlined and cost effective way to our customers." Sfeir is a CloudBees services partner in Europe.
"As Python and Java developers continue to build more sophisticated and complex applications on Google App Engine they are also looking for other cloud-based services for building, testing, and auto-deploying to development, staging, and production environments. With the latest integration of CloudBees development services, this becomes much easier," said Chris Ramsdale, Google App Engine product manager. "By providing enhanced and integrated continuous integration capabilities for Python and Java developers, CloudBees is offering flexibility and options for application development that further improve the Google App Engine ecosystem."
The announcement marks another milestone in CloudBees ongoing investment in platform extensibility and its commitment to Jenkins as a critical element of cloud-based development for any target deployment environment. "Continuous integration is increasingly seen as the most effective tool for improving time-to-market in distributed teams, complex test scenarios, and mobile app development," said Steven G. Harris, senior vice president of products, CloudBees. "With Google's tremendous market presence and proven track record with Google App Engine, we believe Java and Python developers will see instant value in CloudBees hosted development services."
For More Information
• Sign up for DEV@cloud deployment on Google App Engine
• Watch the video demo on deploying apps to Google App Engine from CloudBees DEV@cloud in two minutes
• Learn more about CloudBees and Google App Engine
• Sign up for a free trial of the CloudBees Platform
About CloudBees
CloudBees ( ) turbo-charges the way Java applications are built and deployed to meet the rapid pace of business in an on-line and increasingly mobile world. By eliminating the friction caused by provisioning, maintaining and administering complex hardware and software infrastructure, we streamline and accelerate the entire Java application lifecycle from development to deployment. The CloudBees Platform provides a set of rich services that are easily consumed by developers, allowing them to rapidly build and deploy new business applications with zero IT administrative overhead. Our AnyCloud Service Architecture enables those applications to be easily deployed to any public, regional or enterprise cloud environment. CloudBees serves the needs of a wide range of businesses from small startups that want to focus on quickly creating new on-line businesses to large IT organizations that need to rapidly respond to new business application projects.
Backed by Matrix Partners and Lightspeed Venture Partners, CloudBees was founded in 2010 by former JBoss CTO Sacha Labourey and an elite team of middleware and open source technology professionals.
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Media Contacts:
Emily Trevallion/Katelyn D'Eramo
PAN Communications