CloudBees Newsletter September: Technical Tuesdays

Check out the exciting CloudBees highlights for September 2023 in our Technical Tuesday Newsletter. Stay up to date with the latest news and developments in the world of CloudBees!

Technical Tuesday, September 2023 Edition

Welcome to Technical Tuesday where we will share some buzz-worthy highlights and give you updates on the latest items we have released over the past month! From How to videos, webinars, docs and blogs- checkout what’s happening in the hive at CloudBees. For this back to school edition - we will talk about all the new features released with CloudBees CI! Grab your tablets and bookbags and get ready to learn!

CI: High Availability and Horizontal Scalability

Simply put - reduce or eliminate downtime so you can keep working and not have to worry about services going down. How you ask? With Active-active high availability for CloudBees CI. Enjoy the following with High Availability Mode:

  • Remove the single point of failure

  • Keep things running even during infrastructure maintenance like upgrading Kubernetes nodes

  • Distribute workload among replicas to keep your controller happy and performant

  • Getting to go home at a normal time and not have to wait for services to be restored or come back online just to build your code.

This will drop with the September CloudBees CI release on September 20th. Docs and Videos will follow.

High Availability Mode

CI: CloudBees Pipeline Explorer

How about a pipeline debug tool that gets you to the point….quickly. That's what the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer does, among other things:

  • Scalable and Performant tool to troubleshoot your pipelines. Don’t waste time waiting on slow tools to load log files and update the UI

  • Focused Troubleshooting with Issue Explorer to get right to the issues in the log quickly and easy sharing of info for collaborative troubleshooting

  • Clear Overview and Filtering capabilities to focus on what you need with Tree View

  • Built-in Search for less context switching and quick searches

Check Out Docs

CI: Workspace Caching

We all know the joys of waiting while downloading all those artifacts for each new build,  right?   All that extra time waiting as we check slack, emails, get a third cup of coffee/energy drink, and check out the latest cat memes. 

Instead of waiting, let's get building. With workspace caching -you get  faster builds and feedback by reusing cached artifacts from previous builds. Saves minutes to hours of just downloading/prepping of the workspace.  Build smarter, not longer. (You can still grab some more coffee)

Read How It's Done

CI: Build Storm Prevention

Build storms - if you don’t know what they are - FANTASTIC! Those of us who do, we know the controller gridlock they bring. 

CloudBees CI provides a build strategy that will prevent build storms by taking stock of the current state of discovered branches and pull releases without building them and establishing a repository baseline without building them. In other words - prevent the dreaded Build Storm!

Build Storm Prevention

Brush Up on Your Jenkins® Skills!

CloudBees CI is built on Jenkins and targeted for enterprise-sized customers. Whether you are enterprise-sized or not, keep up on those Jenkins skills! Here are a few binge-worthy How-To videos to keep your skill level up.

How Do I Retain Builds Forever in Jenkins?

What Is readFile in Jenkins?

What is writeFile in Jenkins?

Override the Path Environment Variable in Jenkins

Give me more!

Blogs, Webinars, and other buzziness you may have missed this month

Comparison Chart

CloudBees vs Jenkins Comparison

CloudBees CI is an enterprise Continuous Integration (CI) solution that leverages the flexible and robust Jenkins engine. So how does CloudBees CI and Jenkins stack up? Check out the feature comparison to see!


Biggest Update in performance and scalability for Jenkins in a decade!

Check out the new features in CloudBees CI! We're giving Jenkins the boost it needs to meet the heavy performance needs of enterprises.

Read our August Newsletter

Explore the captivating highlights of CloudBees from our August 2023 Technical Tuesday Newsletter. Uncover the unparalleled value that CloudBees drives.