Red Hat & CloudBees

Hello Red Hat! Welcome to your Jenkins Future!

Experience the power of CloudBees CI at Red Hat, unlocking the potential of your CI/CD pipelines with advanced features and scalability. Streamline software delivery, boost security, and improve efficiency. Discover the future of Jenkins infrastructure with CloudBees CI.

Elevate Your Jenkins Experience: Achieve Enhanced Efficiency, Scalability, and Security with CloudBees CI

Experience the transformative power of Jenkins on a new scale with CloudBees CI at Red Hat. As a pioneering force in open-source solutions, Red Hat is positioned to reap substantial benefits from a fortified Jenkins environment, powered by CloudBees CI.

Through advanced features and significant enhancements, CloudBees CI promises improved scalability, bolstered security, and heightened efficiency. Streamline your software delivery process, minimize maintenance burdens, and ensure adherence to governance requirements both internally and externally.

Embrace CloudBees CI and unlock the untapped potential of your CI/CD pipelines, propelling your Jenkins infrastructure to unprecedented heights.

The Power of HA/HS

Experience Efficient and Resilient Jenkins Controllers at Massive Scale

CloudBees CI's High Availability Mode reduces or eliminates downtime for continuous pipeline operations, even in the face of unexpected failures. This mode also brings horizontal scalability, transforming overloaded monolithic controllers into reliable, stable controllers by enabling workload sharing among replicas.

This ensures that software delivery process remains uninterrupted by providing automatic load balancing and protection against single point of failure.

Optimizing Pipeline Troubleshooting

Debugging at Scale with the CloudBees Pipeline Explorer

Pipelines are a critical component of the development process, however, troubleshooting in complex pipelines can be time-consuming and tedious, especially for larger companies.

Introducing CloudBees Pipeline Explorer - your go-to solution for streamlined and efficient pipeline troubleshooting, no matter the size of your log files. Designed with insights from CloudBees CI and Jenkins admins, our aim was to simplify the debugging process for complex pipelines and make your lives easier. Witness the Explorer in action and experience the power of seamless troubleshooting.

From Good to Great: How CloudBees CI Elevates Your Jenkins Experience

Explore how CloudBees CI, building on the strengths of Jenkins, empowers developers by automating and standardizing software delivery processes.

Feature Brief

Biggest Update in Performance and Scalability Update for Jenkins in a Decade

Creating a secure, scalable, and high-performing Jenkins environment for large organizations with complex toolchains is no small feat. That's why CloudBees is helping development teams address these challenges head-on by offering high availability, horizontal scalability, and other performance-enhancing features to Jenkins. Find out how in the Feature Brief.

Comparison Chart

CloudBees CI vs Jenkins® Stack Up

CloudBees CI is an enterprise Continuous Integration (CI) solution that leverages the flexible and robust Jenkins engine. So how does CloudBees CI and Jenkins stack up?  Check out the feature comparison to see!

On-Demand Webinar

Exploring the Power of High Availability and Horizontal Scalability (HA/HS) with CloudBees CI

In this webinar recording, we delve deeper into how CloudBees CI brings order and scalability to Jenkins, giving developers the freedom to control their pipelines, making it easy for teams to self-govern consistently, and scaling easily without performance impact.

Take a Deeper Dive into the Benefits that CloudBees CI can Bring to Red Hat

Read up on all the details and unlock the true value of our powerful collaboration.
Biggest Update in Performance and Scalability Update for Jenkins in a Decade

CloudBees CI revolutionizes Jenkins for enterprises. Reduce build times, troubleshoot efficiently, optimize controller performance, and maximize uptime with this innovative solution.

Revolutionize Your Jenkins Environment with HA/HS

Transform your Jenkins environment with scalable, highly available systems. Boost software delivery efficiency and resilience. Experience the power of CloudBees CI's High Availability mode for uninterrupted operation, even during unexpected events.

Optimizing Pipeline Troubleshooting with CloudBees Pipeline Explorer

Experience how CloudBees Pipeline Explorer revolutionizes pipeline troubleshooting. Streamline debugging complex pipelines, overcome visual scalability issues, and enjoy enhanced log viewing performance.

Accelerate CI with CloudBees CI Workspace Caching

Learn to speed up your CI process and optimize efficiency with CloudBees CI Workspace Caching. Reuse cached artifacts, eliminate re-downloading dependencies, and accelerate your CI jobs significantly.

Weathering Build Storms in the Enterprise

Discover how CloudBees CI helps you weather enterprise storms. Find out about the 'initial index build prevention' strategy to bring calm and control to your builds, avoiding controller gridlocks. Efficiently manage builds and stay ahead with CloudBees.

Book a Demo

Talk to CloudBees CI Expert

Let us showcase how our solution, built on the robust Jenkins open-source platform, provides scalability, security, and centralized control, all while promoting creativity and reducing maintenance burdens. 

With features like high availability mode for continuous uptime, and enhanced governance with CasC bundle recipes, witness how CloudBees CI can not only enhance developer productivity, but also ensures IT security, regulatory compliance and efficient resource management.

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