It’s Friday Night – Where Is Your Code?

Written by: Eduardo Pelegri

3 min read

Marc Andreesen wrote back in 2011 that Software is Eating the World , and nowadays business execs everywhere, from GE to Ford to ABB, are all saying that their companies are really software companies.

Hold that thought…

Now look at a typical process for creating, testing and releasing software. What you see is a multiplicity of individuals and groups collaborating to coordinate how ideas are converted into code that is tested, integrated, deployed, measured and evolved, in faster and faster cycles. And companies – all the companies – are investing heavily to improve these processes to gain a competitive advantage, or just to remain competitive!

Next, peek at these software processes and you see automation and improved information flow and coordination as the key enablers. And our friend Jenkins is one of a handful of tools that are everywhere (in all companies) and everywhere (in all places inside a company).

CloudBees has two products - CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise and CloudBees Jenkins Team - that address running Jenkins in your enterprise…


What is missing is how to connect together all these automation engines, and other agents in these software processes, so you can gain insight on and improve upon your software process…

And that is why, last week, during Jenkins World 2017 , CloudBees announced CloudBees DevOptics ®!

CloudBees DevOptics connects all the islands of software development and provides you with a global view of your software process. The keynote at Jenkins World showed our delivery stream view on a number of modules that collectively create applications; all these modules and software steps are automated via either CloudBees Jenkins Solutions or Jenkins, and CloudBees DevOptics connects them all. Here is a screenshot from the smaller demo we ran at our booth:

CloudBees DevOptics applications

The screenshot above shows a very simple software process involving 6› Jenkins jobs or pipelines, used to create components which eventually become an application.

CloudBees DevOptics collects the information from all these instances – they may be anywhere in your organization – and makes sense of the changes that are flowing through them. The screenshot shows the tickets that have gone through the system and shows where those changes are within what CloudBees DevOptics calls “gates.” Some changes are still in the components, others have gone through the integration – or perhaps are being tested right now.

As you can see, CloudBees DevOptics can show you details about these changes. We connect back to the defect tracking system – JIRA in this case – to get the current data on those tickets. We also provide, but is not shown above, a connection back to the code repository (GitHub in this case), and, of course, to the automation engine itself, the Jenkins job.

In future blogs we will provide more information about CloudBees DevOptics. In the meantime, you can check the product home page or request a demo .

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