Docker by the Numbers: DockerCon Shines Light on Containers in the Enterprise

Written by: Electric bee

4 min read

The recent DockerCon 2017 event in Austin, TX, saw more than 5,500 software delivery professionals rallying around the use of Containers, with an emphasized focus on the usage of containerized applications in the enterprise. On Day 1, Docker's CEO Ben Golub shared some eye-popping stats about Docker usage and how that has changed over the past three years:

  • More than 14M Docker hosts

  • More than 900K Docker apps

  • 77,000 growth in Docker job listings

  • More than 12B image pulls (accounting for 390,000 growth)

  • More than 3,300 contributors

  • Tax Day Stat: More than 25M tax returns are running through Docker on Intuit

  • More than 280 cities hold Docker meetups, which accounts for more than 170K members worldwide

It’s no surprise that Docker usage keeps booming, and based on some other recent reports from vendors and analysts in the community, it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Redmonk and Bitnami , for example, held a survey last year that garnered more than 5,000 responses about container usage, orchestration tools, CI tools and databases. More than half of the respondents already use or plan to use containers in the future. Moreover:

  • Nearly one third of container deployments are in production environments

  • Kubernetes remains the leading orchestration tool, closely followed by (you guessed it) Docker Swarm.

RightScale’s 2017 State of Cloud report , which surveys more than 1,000 technical professionals, identified some interesting stats about how Docker and other tools are being used as part of DevOps transformations:

  • Overall DevOps adoption rises from 74 to 78 with enterprises reaching 84.

  • 30 of enterprises are adopting DevOps company-wide, up from 21 in 2016.

  • Overall Docker adoption surges to 35.

  • Kubernetes adoption also grew strongly to 14 from 7 in 2016.

  • An even higher percentage of enterprises use Docker (40) with 30 more planning to use it.

  • Many respondents use Docker through container-as-a-service offerings from cloud providers including AWS ECS (35), Azure Container Service (11), and Google Container Engine (8).

Datadog also recently updated its Docker adoption findings in April of this year. Their data is pulled from a sample of 10,000 companies and 185 million containers being used. Some of these findings include:

  • Docker adoption has increased 40 in just one year.

  • Nearly 60 of organizations are running 500 or more hosts; midsize host counts (100-499) are now nearly identical, meaning general-purpose platform use is becoming prevalent for companies of all sizes (not just the larger organizations).

  • Roughly 40 of Datadog customers running Docker were also running Kubernetes, Mesos, Amazon ECS, Google Container Engine or another orchestrator.

  • Among organizations running Docker and using AWS, Amazon ECS is a popular choice for orchestration – more than 35 percent of those companies use ECS.

  • Docker adopters nearly quintuple the average number of running containers they have in production between their first and tenth month of usage.

  • The median company that adopts Docker runs seven containers simultaneously on each host; 25 of companies run an average of 14+ containers simultaneously!

  • The most widely used images are NGINX, Redis and Elasticsearch

It's clear Docker is keeping up its unbelievable growth momentum, which points to its increasing usage in production environments, and at large enterprises, specifically. This echoes the trends we see at CloudBees, with an increasing demand for getting teams started more quickly with Docker and other container platforms, incorporating container-based and microservices-based applications into their overall software delivery strategy - alongside traditional releases or legacy apps.

Docker, Kuberenetes, Microservices, and all that Jazz..

In line with these trends, the recent versions of CloudBees Flow focused on simplifying containers and microservices for both enterprise use cases, as well as small teams'. First we enabled users to easily model, deploy and release containers and microservices-based applications as part of their integrated end-to-end software delivery strategy. Then we introduced one-click deployments to any container platform - including Kubernetes, Amazon Container Cloud, GKE, OpenShift, and more; and we've even made our CloudBees Flow platform available as a Docker Container - to allow developers to get up and running quickly.

CloudBees Flow Community Edition - Use it Free

The free, downloadable Community Edition is a full-featured CloudBees Flow server. It is available as a Docker Container, Microsoft Azure instance, or VirtualBox, with additional distributions added all the time. Download it now to jump start your DevOps transformation and simplify your releases- for free.

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