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Every month, we’re excited to share with you what’s in our CloudBees Jenkins X Distribution release. This month, we’re especially excited.
In addition to 44 issues fixed, we’re announcing the general availability of Lighthouse, our replacement for Prow inside of Jenkins X.
Lighthouse is the new, default SCM handler inside of stable versions of Jenkins X starting with this CloudBees Jenkins X Distribution release, and it means more SCM support than very before. As of now: is now production-ready
GitHub Enterprise is now production-ready
GitLab, both self-managed and hosted, is now in preview mode
This is a huge step forward, and we anticipate adding even more SCMs soon. For more information, you can review Andrew Bayer’s blog on Lighthouse as an open source project.
On top of expanded SCM support, here are some major issues closed this month: jx step verify preinstall fails due to helm version The command "jx edit buildpack" does nothing Secrets "hmac-token" not found when failed to interpret pipeline file jenkins-x.yml Build log retrieval on GitHub Enterprise Fork jx-app-sonar-scanner into jenkins-x-apps organization
As always, if you have any questions just get in touch or download the distribution to try it out.