CloudBees Security Advisory 2019-01-08

This advisory announces multiple vulnerabilities in Jenkins, CloudBees Jenkins Platform and CloudBees Jenkins Solutions.

Sandbox Bypass in Script Security and Pipeline Plugins


Script Security sandbox protection could be circumvented during the script compilation phase by applying AST transforming annotations such as @Grab to source code elements.

Both the pipeline validation REST APIs and actual script/pipeline execution are affected.

This allowed users with Overall/Read permission, or able to control Jenkinsfile or sandboxed Pipeline shared library contents in SCM, to bypass the sandbox protection and execute arbitrary code on the Jenkins master.

All known unsafe AST transformations in Groovy are now prohibited in sandboxed scripts.



  • CloudBees Traditional Platforms should be upgraded

  • CloudBees Cloud Platforms should be upgraded

  • CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise should be upgraded the Managed Masters and Operations Center to

  • CloudBees Jenkins Platform (rolling train, CJP Operations Center and CJP Client Master 2.x.y.z) should be upgraded to version

  • CloudBees Jenkins Platform (fixed train, CJP Operations Center and CJP Client Master 2.107.x.0.z) should be upgraded to version

  • CloudBees Jenkins Team should be upgraded to version