New CloudBees Jenkins Advisor Service Actively Analyzes Any Jenkins Environment and Advises with Expert Feedback

Based on years of Jenkins expertise, the free service helps to prevent issues and improve performance

SAN FRANCISCO, CA. – JENKINS WORLD – AUGUST 30, 2017 - CloudBees, Inc. , the hub of enterprise Jenkins and DevOps, today announced a new free service, CloudBees Jenkins Advisor, which analyzes Jenkins environments continuously, identifies potential issues and advises on corrective actions before they impact business-critical software delivery, ensuring improved uptime, performance and productivity.

CloudBees has packaged years of Jenkins expertise into CloudBees Jenkins Advisor, a service that allows teams to proactively identify issues and access resolutions without any additional resources or overhead. With an estimated 1,000,000+ users around the world, Jenkins is the de facto choice for continuous delivery and DevOps teams and is the most popular automation server in use today.

CloudBees has experience managing and supporting some of the largest and most demanding Jenkins clusters in the world. Given the insight and knowledge gained over the years, CloudBees has developed an expansive knowledge base and unique diagnostic tools to detect and resolve issues in customer environments. Problems detected range from simple configuration issues to security and best practices concerns - all critical elements of enterprise Jenkins implementations. These tools and CloudBees one-of-a-kind knowledge base are now available to all Jenkins users through this free service.

With today’s announcement, CloudBees is making CloudBees Jenkins Advisor available in a self-service fashion to all of the Jenkins community.

“As Jenkins spreads more and more into organizations of all sizes, we want to ensure that developers get the best, smoothest experience out of Jenkins. Outages, performance issues and other problems can hurt people's’ confidence in software delivery automation,” said Kohsuke Kawaguchi, Jenkins founder and CTO at CloudBees. “With CloudBees Jenkins Advisor, we can proactively identify potential issues for our users in Jenkins, administrators can nip problems in the bud and everyone can focus on other, more important things.”

CloudBees Jenkins Advisor installs via a free plugin. Once activated, it will provide automatic scanning of a Jenkins master to identify potential issues and alert the user, providing suggested resolutions from an expert knowledge base.

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About CloudBees
CloudBees is the hub of enterprise Jenkins and DevOps, providing companies with smarter solutions for automating software development and delivery. CloudBees starts with Jenkins, the most trusted and widely-adopted continuous delivery platform, and adds enterprise-grade security, scalability, manageability and expert-level support. By making the software delivery process more productive, manageable and hassle-free, CloudBees puts companies on the fastest path to transforming great ideas into great software and returning value to the business more quickly.

Backed by Matrix Partners, Lightspeed Venture Partners and Verizon Ventures, CloudBees was founded in 2010 by former JBoss CTO Sacha Labourey and an elite team of continuous integration, continuous delivery and DevOps professionals. Follow CloudBees on Twitter , Facebook , LinkedIn and Google+ .

Media Contact:
Katelyn Campbell
PAN Communications