xUnit Plugin

Written by: Nicolas De Loof

Jenkins has great support for rendering test results. From a project, you can view the test status as a synthetic table and browse down through details to a single test output. You also have a history trend of test successes and failures, to visualize the way your team is handling tests and how the suite evolves over time, throughout the life of the project.

This advanced functionality is possible thanks to JUnit being the de facto standard for unit testing within the Java ecosystem. But what if you use an alternative test framework, or maybe don't use Java anyway. Some of the frameworks have options to render a JUnit-compatible output, but how to deal with the other ones?

XUnit XUnit plugin

Thanks to xUnit you can, with a few configurations, get the power of Jenkins test support even for your PHP, Python or C++ projects, that don't (yet) have direct support in Jenkins.

Great, but what if your favorite test tool is not supported and/or you use a custom private-use one? xUnit lets you configure Custom Tool , and you just have to provide an XSL transformation template to convert your test tool output. Put such a file under JENKINS/userContent/xUnit/foo.xsl and your Jenkins instance will be ready to support a new test tool! You are also welcome to contribute support for new testing tools to the plugin!

How to Use the Plugins on DEV@cloud/RUN@cloud?
xUnit is available on DEV@cloud, from the update center.

Relevant Documentation
wiki documentation

Blog by,
Nicolas de Loof
Support Engineer




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