Running Services within a Docker Swarm

Written by: Ben Cane

When Docker released its latest version, Docker Engine v1.12, it included quite a few changes to the capabilities provided by Docker Swarm. In today's article, we'll be exploring how to deploy a service using Docker's Swarm Mode.

Activating Swarm Mode on Ubuntu 16.04

Before we can deploy a service on a Docker Engine Swarm, we will first need to set up a Swarm Cluster. Since we're showing capabilities added with 1.12, we will also be installing the latest version of Docker Engine.

The following instructions will guide you through installing Docker Engine on Ubuntu 16.04. For other versions and platforms, you can follow Docker's official installation guide.

Setting up the Docker Apt repository

For this installation, we'll be using the standard installation method for Ubuntu, which relies on the Apt package manager. Since we will be installing the latest version of Docker Engine, we need to configure Apt to pull the docker-engine package from Docker's official Apt repository rather than the systems preconfigured repositories.

Add Docker's Public Key

The first step in configuring Apt to use a new repository is to add that repository's public key into Apt's cache with the apt-key command.

# apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D

The above apt-key command requests the specified key (58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52609D), from the key server. This public key will be used to validate all packages downloaded from the new repository.

Specifying Docker's repository location

With Docker's public key now imported, we can configure Apt to use the Docker Project's repository server. We will do this by adding an entry within the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory.

# echo "deb ubuntu-xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list

When we refresh Apt's package cache, Apt will look through all files within the sources.list.d/ directory to find new package repositories. The command I just showed you creates (if it doesn't already exist) a new file called docker.list with an entry that adds the repository.

Updating Apt's package cache

To refresh Apt's package cache, we can run the apt-get command with the update option.

# apt-get update

This will cause Apt to repopulate its list of repositories by rereading all of its configuration files, including the one we just added. It will also query those repositories to cache a list of available packages.

Installing the

Before installing Docker Engine, we need to install a prerequisite package. The linux-image-extra package is a kernel specific package that's needed for Ubuntu systems to support the aufs storage driver. This driver is used by Docker for mounting volumes within containers.

To install this package, we will use the apt-get command again, but this time with the install option.

# apt-get install linux-image-extra-$(uname -r)

In that apt-get command, the $(uname -r) portion or the command will return the kernel version for the current running kernel. Any kernel updates to this system should include the installation of the appropriate linux-image-extra package version that coincides with the new kernel version. If this package is not updated as well, some issues may arise with Docker's ability to mount volumes.

Install Docker Engine

With Apt configured and the linux-image-extra prerequisite package installed, we can now move to installing Docker Engine. To do so, we will once again use the apt-get command with the install option to install the docker-engine package.

# apt-get install docker-engine

At this point, we should have Docker Engine v1.12.0 or newer installed. To verify that we have the correct version, we can execute the docker command with the version option.

# docker version
 Version:      1.12.0
 API version:  1.24
 Go version:   go1.6.3
 Git commit:   8eab29e
 Built:        Thu Jul 28 22:11:10 2016
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
 Version:      1.12.0
 API version:  1.24
 Go version:   go1.6.3
 Git commit:   8eab29e
 Built:        Thu Jul 28 22:11:10 2016
 OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

With this, we can see that both the Server and Client versions are 1.12.0. From here, we can move on to creating our Swarm.

Creating a Docker Swarm

From this point on within this article, we will be executing tasks from several machines. To help make things a bit more clear, I have included the hostname in the command examples.

We will start our Swarm Cluster with two nodes. At this point, both of these nodes should have Docker Engine installed based on the instructions above.

When creating the Swarm Cluster, we will need to designate a node manager. For this example, we'll be using a host by the name of swarm-01 as a node manager. To make swarm-01 a node manager, we need to create our Swarm Cluster by executing a command on swarm-01 first. The command we will be executing is the docker command with the swarm init options.

root@swarm-01:~# docker swarm init --advertise-addr
Swarm initialized: current node (awwiap1z5vtxponawdqndl0e7) is now a manager.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
    docker swarm join \
    --token SWMTKN-1-51pzs5ax8dmp3h0ic72m9wq9vtagevp1ncrgik115qwo058ie6-3fokbd3onl2i8r7dowtlwh7kb \
To add a manager to this swarm, run the following command:
    docker swarm join \
    --token SWMTKN-1-51pzs5ax8dmp3h0ic72m9wq9vtagevp1ncrgik115qwo058ie6-bwex7fd4u5aov4naa5trcxs34 \

With the above command, in addition to the swarm init, we also specified the --advertise-addr flag with a value of This is the IP that the Swarm node manager will use to advertise the Swarm Cluster Service. While this address can be a private IP, it's important to note that in order for nodes to join this swarm, those nodes will need to be able to connect to the node manager over this IP on port 2377.

After running the docker swarm init command, we can see that the swarm-01 was given a node name (awwiap1z5vtxponawdqndl0e7) and made the manager of this swarm. The output also supplies two commands: one command is to add a node worker to the swarm and the other is to add another node manager to the swarm.

Docker Swarm Mode can support multiple node managers. It will, however, elect one of them to be the primary node manager which will be responsible for orchestration within the Swarm.

Adding a node worker to the Swarm Cluster

With the Swarm Cluster created, we can now add a new node worker using the docker command provided by the output of the Swarm creation.

root@swarm-02:~# docker swarm join \
> --token SWMTKN-1-51pzs5ax8dmp3h0ic72m9wq9vtagevp1ncrgik115qwo058ie6-3fokbd3onl2i8r7dowtlwh7kb \
This node joined a swarm as a worker.

In this example, we added swarm-02 to the swarm as a node worker. A node worker is a member of the Swarm Cluster whose role is to run tasks; in this case, tasks are containers. The node manager on the other hand has a role of managing the orchestration of tasks (containers) and maintaining the Swarm Cluster itself.

In addition to its node manager duties, a node manager is also a node worker, which means it will also run tasks for our Swarm Cluster.

Viewing the current Swarm nodes

With the previous commands executed, we now have a basic two-node Swarm Cluster. We can verify the status of this cluster by executing the docker command with the node ls options.

root@swarm-01:~# docker node ls
ID                           HOSTNAME              STATUS  AVAILABILITY  MANAGER STATUS
13evr7hmiujjanbnu3n92dphk  Ready   Active
awwiap1z5vtxponawdqndl0e7 *  Ready   Active        Leader

From the output of this command, we can see that both swarm-01 and swarm-02 are in a Ready and Active state. With this, we can now move on to deploying services to this Swarm Cluster.

Creating a Service

With Docker Swarm Mode, a service is a long-running Docker container that can be deployed to any node worker. It's something that either remote systems or other containers within the swarm can connect to and consume.

For this example, we're going to deploy a Redis service.

Deploying a Replicated Service

A replicated service is a Docker Swarm service that has a specified number of replicas running. These replicas consist of multiple instances of the specified Docker container. In our case, each replica will be a unique Redis instance.

To create our new service, we'll use the docker command while specifying the service create options. The followingw command will create a service named redis that has 2 replicas and publishes port 6379 across the cluster.

root@swarm-01:~# docker service create --name redis --replicas 2 --publish 6379:6379 redis

In addition to specifying the service create options, we also used the --name flag to name the service redis and the --replicas flag to specify that this service should run on 2 different nodes. We can validate that it is in fact running on both nodes by executing the docker command with the service ls options.

root@swarm-01:~# docker service ls
er238pvukeqd  redis  2/2       redis

In the output, we can see there are 2 of 2 replicas currently running. If we want to see more details on these tasks, we can run the docker command with the service ps option.

root@swarm-01:~# docker service ps redis
ID                         NAME     IMAGE  NODE                  DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE           ERROR
5lr10nbpy91csmc91cew5cul1  redis.1  redis  Running        Running 40 minutes ago
1t77jsgo1qajxxdekbenl4pgk  redis.2  redis  Running        Running 40 minutes ago

The service ps option will show the tasks (containers) for the specified service. In this example, we can see the redis service has a task (container) running on both of our swarm nodes.

Connecting to the Redis service

Since we have validated that the service is running, we can try to connect to this service from a remote system with the redis-cli client.

vagrant@vagrant:~$ redis-cli -h -p 6379>

From the connection above, we were successful in connecting to the redis service. This means our service is up and available.

How Docker Swarm publishes services

When we created the redis service, we used the --publish flag with the docker service create command. This flag was used to tell Docker to publish port 6379 as an available port for the redis service.

When Docker publishes a port for a service, it does so by listening on that port across all nodes within the Swarm Cluster. When traffic arrives on that port, that traffic is then routed to a container running for that service. While this concept is pretty standard when all nodes are running a service's container, this concept gets interesting when we have more nodes than we do replicas.

To see how this works, let's add a third node worker to the Swarm Cluster.

Adding a third node worker into the mix

To add another node worker, we can simply repeat the installation and setup steps in the first part of this article. Since we already covered those steps, we'll skip ahead to the point where we have a three-node Swarm Cluster. We can once again check the status of this cluster by running the docker command.

root@swarm-01:~# docker node ls
ID                           HOSTNAME              STATUS  AVAILABILITY  MANAGER STATUS
13evr7hmiujjanbnu3n92dphk  Ready   Active
awwiap1z5vtxponawdqndl0e7 *  Ready   Active        Leader
e4ymm89082ooms0gs3iyn8vtl  Ready   Active

We can see that the cluster consists of three hosts:

  • swarm-01

  • swarm-02

  • swarm-03

When we created our service with two replicas, it created a task (container) on swarm-01 and swarm-02. Let's see if this is still the case even though we added another node worker.

root@swarm-01:~# docker service ps redis
ID                         NAME     IMAGE  NODE                  DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE           ERROR
5lr10nbpy91csmc91cew5cul1  redis.1  redis  Running        Running 55 minutes ago
1t77jsgo1qajxxdekbenl4pgk  redis.2  redis  Running        Running 55 minutes ago

With replicated services, Docker Swarm's goal is to ensure that there is a task (container) running for every replica specified. When we created the redis service, we specified that there should be 2 replicas. This means that even though we have a third node, Docker has no reason to start a new task on that node.

At this point, we have an interesting situation: We have a service that's running on 2 of the 3 Swarm nodes. In a non-Swarm world, that would mean the redis service would be unavailable when connecting to our third Swarm node. With Swarm Mode however, that is not the case.

Connecting to a service on a non-task-running worker

Earlier when I described how Docker publishes a service port, I mentioned that it does so by publishing that port across all nodes within the Swarm. What's interesting about this is what happens when we connect to a node worker that isn't running any containers (tasks) associated with our service.

Let's take a look at what happens when we connect to swarm-03 over the redis published port.

vagrant@vagrant:~$ redis-cli -h -p 6379>

What's interesting about this is that our connection was successful. It was successful despite the fact that swarm-03 is not running any redis containers. This works because internally Docker is rerouting our redis service traffic to a node worker running a redis container.

Docker calls this ingress load balancing. The way it works is that all node workers listen for connections to published service ports. When that service is called by external systems, the receiving node will accept the traffic and internally load balance it using an internal DNS service that Docker maintains.

So even if we scaled out our Swarm cluster to 100 node workers, end users of our redis service can simply connect to any node worker. They will then be redirected to one of the two Docker hosts running the service tasks (containers).

All of this rerouting and load balancing is completely transparent to the end user. It all happens within the Swarm Cluster.

Making our service global

At this point, we have the redis service setup to run with 2 replicas, meaning it's running containers on 2 of the 3 nodes.

If we wanted our redis service to consist of an instance on every node worker, we could do that easily by modifying the service's number of desired replicas from 2 to 3. This would mean however that with every node worker we add or subtract, we will need to adjust the number of replicas.

We could alternatively do this automatically by making our service a Global Service. A Global Service in Docker Swarm Mode is used to create a service that has a task running on every node worker automatically. This is useful for common services such as Redis that may be leveraged internally by other services.

To show this in action, let's go ahead and recreate our redis service as a Global Service.

root@swarm-01:~# docker service create --name redis --mode global --publish 6379:6379 redis

The command to create a Global Service is the same docker service create command we used to create a replicated service. The only difference is the --mode flag along with the value of global.

With the service now created, we can see how Docker distributed our tasks for this service by once again executing the docker command with the service ps options.

root@swarm-01:~# docker service ps redis
ID                         NAME       IMAGE  NODE                  DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE           ERROR
27s6q5yvmyjvty8jvp5k067ul  redis      redis  Running        Running 26 seconds ago
2xohhkqvlw7969qj6j0ca70xx   \_ redis  redis  Running        Running 38 seconds ago
22wrdkun5f5t9lku6sbprqi1k   \_ redis  redis  Running        Running 38 seconds ago

We can see that when the service was created as a Global Service, a task was then started on every node worker within our Swarm Cluster.


In this article, we not only installed Docker Engine, we also set up a Swarm Cluster, deployed a replicated service, and then created a Global Service.

In a recent article, I not only installed Kubernetes, I also created a Kubernetes service. In comparing the Docker Swarm Mode services with the Kubernetes services, I personally find that Swarm Mode services were easier to get set up and created. For someone who simply wishes to use the "services" features of Kubernetes and doesn't need some of its other capabilities, Docker Swarm Mode may be an easier alternative.

PS: If you liked this article you might also be interested in one of our free eBooks from our Codeship Resources Library. Download it here: Working with Docker Machine, Compose and Swarm

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