Good news here in the hive! Our very own Kohsuke Kawaguchi was announced as a winner of the 7th Annual O'Reilly Open Source Awards , which were awarded earlier today at OSCON 2011 in Portland, Oregon.
The award recognizes individual contributors who have demonstrated leadership, creativity, and collaboration in the development of open source software. Although Kohsuke feels honored that his work on Jenkins (formerly Hudson) has been publicly recognized, he's quick to deflect credit to the thriving community that has backed the project for so many years.
We certainly think he deserves some credit, though; he wrote the majority of the original Hudson/Jenkins code on his own. Plus, the expertise he's acquired in 10+ years of software development has been a key enabler for various advanced features of Jenkins. Not only has Kohsuke shown exemplary technical leadership, he has also attracted scores of talented developers to contribute to Jenkins in the form of 400+ plugins. And he has helped attract more than 23,000 sites to use Jenkins.
Finally, Kohsuke has brought Jenkins to the cloud, as part of our DEV@cloud service. Development teams have instant access to Jenkins build, test and packaging services, as well as unlimited, pay-as-you-go scalability in the cloud, without the worry of configuring and maintaining build servers.
Don't miss out on Kohsuke’s upcoming "controllering Continuous Integration with Jenkins/Hudson" training in the Bay Area on August 16th, in London on September 23rd and in Tokyo later this fall (date to be announced). You can sign up here .
We hope you'll join us in congratulating Kohsuke for all of his hard work!
-- Lisa