We just released some new feature for Operations Center.
The first new feature is the ability to push snippets of common configuration across the client controllers in your cluster.
Our initial implementation provides for the two most asked for shared configuration snippets: email server details and alerting configuration.
The documentation for this feature is available in the user guide.
To avail of this feature you will need to ensure that:
Operations Center is upgraded to:
Client controllers are upgraded to
(optional) CloudBees Monitoring plugin installed to avail of alerting functionality
Most people will want to create a shared configuration that:
contains their email server details so that all client controllers can send emails correctly
configures alerting to send the jenkins administrator(s) emails whenever some common metrics based alerts fire:
Any health checks failing
The JVM heap memory above 80% for more than 5 minutes
(If running on pre-Java 8) The PermGen usage going above 60% for more than 30 minutes (as a canary warning) and the PermGen usage going above 80% for more than 5 minutes (as the critical alert)
The second feature that we added is that the weather reports for client controllers now include details on the connection stability:
Stephen Connolly
Elite Developer and Architect