JUC East Speaker Blog Andrew Phillips, XebiaLabs

Written by: Hannah Inman

1 min read

At JUC U.S. East, Andrew Phillips will talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to continuous delivery: Automated Testing! Automated testing is critically important, but as your software delivery time becomes faster and faster, it becomes more difficult to keep track of all of your results. Andrew will show you how to more easily manage your automated testing with Jenkins.

This post on the Jenkins blog is by Andrew Phillips, VP of Products at XebiaLabs. If you have your ticket to JUC U.S. East, you can attend his talk "How to Optimize Automated Testing with Everyone's Favorite Butler" on Day 1.
Andrew Phillips, VP of Products XebiaLabsStill need your ticket to JUC? If you register with a friend you can get 2 tickets for the price of 1! Register here for a JUC near you.

**Thank you to the sponsors of the Jenkins User Conference World Tour:**

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