Jenkins User Conference Boston is almost here!

Written by: Kohsuke Kawaguchi

There is only a week left until our Jenkins User Conference US East kicks off in Boston on Wednesday June 18th. As of now, more than 300 people have registered and we have had to release more tickets ! If you will be in New England on the 18th, please sign up now so you don't miss out!

This year is the butler's first conference tour to New England. The event will be held at the waterfront Seaport hotel .

We have a great speaker line-up this year. Attendees will be well fed, caffeinated, and the afternoon break features BEvERages. :-) This year, everyone also gets a Jenkins World Tour t-shirt!

We would like to thank our generous JUC US East sponsors. With their help, this Jenkins User Conference is sure to be the best yet.


Kohsuke Kawaguchi is Founder, Jenkins CI, and Chief Technology Officer, CloudBees. You can follow him on Twitter @KohsukeKawa

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