Jenkins Operations Center by CloudBees 1.1 Generally Available Today

Written by: Harpreet Singh

2 min read

Late last year with the release of Jenkins Operations Center by CloudBees, we announced a game changer in the world of Jenkins. It acts as the operations hub for multiple Jenkins[a] in an organization, letting them easily share resources like agents and security. We have been busy ever since improving the product and helping customers bring it in-house.

I am happy to announce the release of a new version of Jenkins Operations Center by CloudBees - version 1.1. The pièce de résistance is the monitoring[1] feature, which lets administrators monitor multiple Jenkins that are connected to Jenkins Operations Center. In addition to SSH agents, Jenkins Operations Center supports windows (JNLP) agents[2], an often requested feature. The on-boarding experience for Jenkins into Jenkins Operations Center has been made easier. Finally, we released a new type of higher throughput agents (called NIO SSH agents)[3] in Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees as a result of our focus on scalability improvements.

Let me quickly introduce you to the monitoring and alerting feature (released in Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees) which is available on Jenkins Operations Center. The monitoring plugin on an individual controller provides a standard dashboard that includes a mechanism to see if a controller is overloaded by providing insight into memory, system load, file descriptors and web response times. The plugin also gives insight into build queue metrics like the build queue length, build duration, build scheduling rate and executors available for builds. Administrators can set alerts via emails for thresholds exceeding pre-determined values. On Jenkins Operations Center, the monitoring plugin consolidates information across all client controllers in a cluster. Thus, administrators can quickly determine the controllers that need attention.

[a] Jenkins should be upgraded to Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees

Additional information

[1] Monitoring plugin
[2] JNLP agents on Jenkins Operations Center by CloudBees
[3] NIO SSH agents
[4] Release Notes
[5] Jenkins Operations Center by CloudBees documentation and tutorial
[6] Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees documentation
[7] Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees download
[8] Jenkins Operations Center by CloudBees download

Harpreet has 16 years of experience in the software industry. Prior to CloudBees, he was at Oracle and Sun for 10 years in various roles, including leading marketing efforts for JavaEE6, GlassFish3.1 and tech lead for GlassFish2.1. He was also product manager for Hudson, launching it within Sun's GlassFishportfolio.

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