IntelliJ IDEA has released a new version (12) of their IDE (link ) and now bundles CloudBees support in the Ultimate edition of the product.
I decided to give it a spin over the last day or so and am pleased to report that deploying web applications was a pleasure.
Developers can build web applications and add support for CloudBees through the "Application Server" settings window. Enter your account username, password and your CloudBees domain name - the "test connection" feature makes sure your setup is okay.
Configure your RUN@cloud configuration to use the just-added server. You can stream logs from CloudBees back to the console.
Since CloudBees supports Play 2 and other ClickStarts, I will spend some time trying to deploy other kinds of apps through IntelliJ to Cloud.
Bummer, did I just make my holiday plans?
- Harpreet Singh
Senior Director, Product Management
Harpreet has 14 years of experience in the software industry. Prior to CloudBees, he was at Oracle and Sun for 10 years in various roles, including leading the marketing efforts for Java EE 6 and GlassFish 3.1. He was also product manager for Hudson, launching it within Sun's GlassFish Portfolio.