Every Jenkins Butler Needs a Good Frog

Written by: Kaitlin Waite
2 min read

Editor’s Note: This is a guest blog post written by Craig Peters , director of product, JFrog Partnerships.

As DevOps becomes ever more important to how enterprises produce software, Jenkins® continues to incorporate new innovations that help make continuous integration even more stable and secure. That steady development of the open source project continues to make Jenkins the most widely used continuous integration (CI) server on the market.

It’s a legacy that JFrog is glad to be a part of through Artifactory, the universal binary repository manager . Artifactory helps bring greater control over the DevOps pipeline , making builds faster and reproducible, granting visibility into all artifacts hosted, particularly builds, and offering high availability options for operating at enterprise scale.

The Jenkins Artifactory Plugin brings that power directly to Jenkins or CloudBees Core™, enabling your Jenkins build jobs to deploy artifacts and resolve dependencies to and from Artifactory, and link to the build job that created them.

As Jenkins has evolved for customer needs, so has Artifactory’s integration with Jenkins CI . Responding to customer demand, the plugin currently brings additional benefits to Jenkins pipeline builds:

  • Easy installation through the Jenkins plugin manager catalog.

  • Extends the Jenkins Pipeline Script DSL for Artifactory operations.

  • Promote builds within Artifactory automatically or on demand through a user interface (UI).

  • Collect and publish exhaustive build information for traceability.

  • Perform parallel downloads of artifacts for faster builds.

  • Enable Xray for robust security and license scanning , to gain trust in the third-party and open-source packages used in builds.

And this work continues. We’re excited to be working with CloudBees and other members of the community to add support for Artifactory to Jenkins X , bringing to the table our proven expertise in making Kubernetes operate best and at scale.

If you’re attending DevOps World | Jenkins World in San Francisco this month, plan on visiting CloudBees and JFrog (booth #300). We would love to show you how your DevOps pipelines can work best with Artifactory’s help, no matter which flavor of Jenkins you choose!

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