Entrepreneurial Lessons Learned from the Software and Technology Trenches

Written by: Electric bee

CloudBees’s CEO, Steve Brodie, is back on TechBeacon , the new online business IT and tech publication with a mission to connect readers to experts who understand what it takes to succeed. In this article, Brodie discusses some critical lessons he’s learned from a career in the software and technology trenches. He discusses the “fearless” gene from which many startups are initiated and then explains what tips these entrepreneurial business leaders can take from the world of software development and delivery. In short, these values are:

  • Be a Grassroots Activist

  • Put People Over Tools

  • Be a Good Listener

  • Go for Good, Not Perfect

  • Create a Powerful Narrative

What we find is that the virtues making up the fabric of the technology industry are commonly brighter and more collaborative than traditional, self-serving business objectives of industries previous. For more details on these ideas and how to apply them yourselves, read the full article here.

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