The DevOps World 2020 CFP is Open

Written by: Kristin Nordstrom

3 min read

Let’s admit it. COVID-19 and its related global health concerns are top of mind for everyone. We understand it’s hard to imagine our professional and personal lives beyond the next few weeks during this time of uncertainty. If you, like us, are looking for ways to distract your mind and fill your time at home in the weeks ahead, we invite you to submit a proposal for a session at DevOps World .

Today we announced our Call for Presentations for DevOps World 2020, scheduled for September 21-24, in Las Vegas. The deadline for submission is April 24, 2020 at 11:59 pm PT. A guide is available here .

One additional, brief note on COVID-19: In light of the global health concerns due to the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), CloudBees is monitoring public health guidance in relation to in-person events. We are not taking decisions lightly, but the health and well-being of our employees, partners, customers and other guests remain our ultimate priority. We will continue to monitor and make any necessary changes as the situation evolves. If the conference must be canceled at a later date due to guidance from public health authorities, the event will be held virtually and all CFP submissions will be reviewed for potential inclusion.

What’s new this year?

We are excited to share we have a new track being offered at the event - The DevOps World Leadership Forum, with a program chaired by Accelerated Strategies Group, an independent analyst firm. The Leadership Forum is designed to provide attendees access to strategic business thinking and deep technical expertise, delivered via a mix of presentations, panels, hands-on exercises and interaction with peers. The Leadership Forum will run throughout the entire conference to educate and equip a whole new generation of digital leaders

The below Q&A will help you breeze through the submission process:

Where do I go to submit my proposal?

Submissions for DevOps World are accepted at the Call for Papers website .

When is the deadline to submit my proposal?

Friday, April 24, 2020 @ 11:59 PM Pacific

Important Dates (subject to change):

  • April 24, 2020: Last day to submit or edit a proposal

  • May 22, 2020: Sessions chosen and notifications sent

  • June 1, 2020: Agenda published

  • September 21-24: DevOps World

What if I have questions about the CFP or DevOps World?

As a reminder, our Super Early Bird pricing of $799 in effect until May 1. Register now and save. We look forward to hearing from you and your teams!

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