Continuous Integration with Cucumber

Written by: Clemens Helm
1 min read

This is the fourth episode of our new Testing Tuesday series. Every week we will share our insights and opinions on the software testing space. Drop by every Tuesday to learn more! Last week we introduced Behavior Driven Development with Cucumber.

Deploying with Cucumber, Codeship and Heroku

Continuous Integration and Deployment speeds up your workflow tremendously. In this screencast we will deploy our Superheroes application to Heroku. The Codeship will take care of deploying the application on every change automatically, as long as the Cucumber scenarios keep passing.

Up next week: Test your web apps with Selenium

Next week we will take a look at Selenium, a testing framework that lets you record and replay scenarios in your application. Selenium is also responsible for checking websites with Javascript in Cucumber, so we will take a look at that as well. For now I would love to hear your thoughts on this week's screencast. Let me know how I can improve and how YOU do continuous integration and deployment.

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