This morning we had our first in a series of special episodes of our Continuous Discussions (#c9d9) podcast with Gene Kim and the DevOps Enterprise Summit (DOES16) speakers.
We discussed the role of middle managers in leading DevOps adoption in the enterprise and scaling DevOps throughout your organization; How Conway's law (and the "Reverse Conway’s Law") comes into play in DevOps and in IT and developer productivity; What are some of the DevOps challenges our speakers and the conference programming committee identify, and some patterns for addressing them; the importance of community and learning from peers, and more.
Watch the replay of the episode:
This episode features:

There's nothing like learning from peers:
Join us at DOES16 - November 7-9 in San Francisco, CA - for 3 immersive days of all things DevOps. Use code VOTEDEVOPS for 20 off ticket price - offer expires 9/14. Get Your Conference Ticket Now »
On the next episode of Continuous Discussions:
Episode 51: Artifact Repository and DevOps
Join us Tuesday, September 20 , to discuss the role of artifact repository as part of your DevOps processes and release pipelines. The expert panel will share patterns and tips for Artifact Repository uses to support CD pipelines, distributed teams, microservices, and more.
This episode will feature: