Examples for CasperJS Testing

Written by: Florian Motlik

Here at Codeship we always strive to find the best ways to test our application before we go live. We need to have all the necessary tests and tools in place to make sure our application works.

We have invested a lot of time in our unit and acceptance testing, but we also need to test our application after deployment or on a staging infrastructure.

We have looked into several tools, including Selenium and Testacular, but found that CasperJS provides the perfect mix of being easy to use and being powerful enough for our purposes.

While we are still starting to integrate it into our workflow we want to show you the power it provides and introduce you to its power already.

Testing with CasperJS

We wanted a tool that doesn't have any dependencies on languages or frameworks a team may use. While tools like Capybara are great and neatly integrated into Rails they still need some effort to be set up. And if you don't use Rails UPDATE (thx to the comments for mentioning that you of course can use Capybara without Rails. Ruby is more appropriate here) you are out of luck.

We also wanted everyone on our team to be able to write tests with it. The syntax therefore needed to be easy and comfortable for all of us. CasperJS is based on Javascript but has Coffeescript support built in. WIN!

CasperJS is developed by Nicolas Perriault and based on the wonderful PhantomJS developed by Ariya Hidayat.

Getting started with CasperJS

To get started with CasperJS you need PhantomJS and CasperJS installed on your computer. Should be simple to install on every OS.

Now let's look at three quick examples. The first one simply opens codeship.io, clicks the "Jobs" link and makes sure we are at the jobs page.

https://gist.github.com/flomotlik/5103432.js The second one sets the user agent header and the viewport size. By default PhantomJS sets the viewport size to 400x300 which is rather small for a web page. Thus we set it to 1024, 768. Then it clicks a menu item at casperjs.org and makes sure the right pages are loaded. In the end it captures the current page as a png image.

https://gist.github.com/flomotlik/5113089.js The third example translates Guten Tag to Good day using translate.google.com and asserts the correct translation.

https://gist.github.com/flomotlik/5113098.js You can run the file with casperjs test codeshiptest.coffee for example. Put all the files in a directory and pass the directory path to casperjs, like casperjs test caspertests. This will run all test files in caspertest and its subdirectories.

You can find even more assert commands at the CasperJS documentation page.

Please take a look at the documentation for the then method as it waits for earlier steps to be finished before running the next step. This is important to make sure your asserts work fine.

The test subcommand makes sure the casperjs var is set. You can read more about it at the CasperJS test documentation page.


CasperJS is a great starting point for testing your application, on your local machine as well as against a your hosted application. Setup is very easy and fast as it doesn't need to be integrated into any other framework. Give it a try and tell us what you are testing with CasperJS. Of course Codeship supports PhantomJS as well as CasperJS. Read more about it in our Browser Testing documentation article.

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