The Benefits and Innovation of Continuous Delivery as a Service

Written by: Brian Dawson

As continuous delivery becomes integral to an organization's ability to deliver software rapidly and reliably the practice is expanding from just a few forward thinking groups to multiple teams. Additionally it extends the focus of IT tooling and process beyond IT into departments across the whole organization. This, coupled with the fact that today’s customers expectation that businesses are continuously innovating, has created the need for organizations to adopt self-hosted, managed, continuous delivery as a service.

Why Technology Needs to Keep up with the Consumer

Today's customers are technically savvy and used to having immediate access to the benefits of technological innovations, driving what is commonly referred to as the Application Economy. In this economy, more and more customers experience a business primarily through their software. Customers demand that software provides a positive user experience across the desktop or mobile device with access to all of the latest capabilities, without compromising reliability, stability or security. Businesses that enable their IT organizations to meet these objectives are proven to gain and retain customers, increase market share and at times disrupt entire industries. Recent examples of successful companies driven by the Application Economy include Chase Bank’s application, Waze, Uber and Ticketmaster. These companies have gained and maintained market leadership through IT innovation, using tools such as agile, continuous integration (CI) and DevOps, all of which support – and are supported by – CD, the practice of automatically and continuously building, testing and deploying software to ensure it can be released at any time.

Benefits of Continuous Delivery

CD enables IT organizations to reduce time to market, increase software quality, reduce development costs and gain or maintain a competitive advantage. Additionally, it is seeing rapid adoption in modern IT organizations, with 65 percent of respondents to a recent report by Perforce and Evens Research stating they have started down the path of CD integration.

At the core of CD is aggressive automation of software delivery activities such as build, test and deployment. This requires a flexible automation engine as the core of the CD solution. A CD automation engine integrates software development and delivery tools to orchestrate a delivery pipeline from the introduction of a code change to a production deployment-ready state. While there are many other tools on the market, Jenkins is a leader in continuous delivery as a CD automation engine. In 2016 Jenkins adoption grew to 128,000 installations running 8 million jobs, making Jenkins mission-critical to the development process. This also means that organizations need to address the challenges of being able to scale while still getting the most out of CD.

Getting the Most out of Continuous Delivery Platforms

To enable enterprises to get the most out of the open-source source software that is already prevalent in their organization and driving the shift to CD and DevOps, CloudBees has introduced CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise.

Now, organizations can recognize the benefits of increased CD adoption, enabling teams to focus less on the administration of tools and infrastructure, and more on software delivery and improved security and visibility. Plus, CD as a service works with public clouds that are already in use.

Adopting a turnkey CD as a service platform provides the enterprise many benefits that are impractical or impossible with a home-grown, build-your-own solution. It does so in a cost-effective way and makes it easy for teams to get up and running. It empowers teams to scale and innovate without having to worry about software being able to keep up. Harness the power of Jenkins, CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise accelerates adoption of continuous delivery and DevOps, enabling organizations to deliver better software, faster.

Learn More

Continuous delivery is now a top priority for IT organizations. Improving the efficiency of software development and delivery truly drives competitive advantage and enables the enterprise to delivery better software, faster, continuously.

Download this whitepaper to learn more about the business value of continuous delivery:

  • Higher quality software
  • Reduced risk
  • Lower costs
  • Greater data-driven decision making
  • Overall accelerated business value




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