A few days ago I released Docker Flow: Proxy , my personalproject aimed at providing a simple way to reconfigure proxy every time a new service is deployed or when a service is scaled. For more information, please visit the GitHubrepository vfarcic/docker-flow-proxy or read the Docker Flow: Proxy – On-Demand HAProxy Service Discovery and Reconfiguration article. Considering that you are reading this post on the CloudBees blog , I'll assume that you are a Jenkinsfan and that you are using it to deploy your Docker containers. In that spirit, what follows is an example that uses Jenkins Pipeline to deploy a service to a Docker Swarm cluster and automatically reconfigure the proxy so that the users of the service can access it no matter its location(s) or the number of scaled instances.
Setting Up the Environments
The only prerequisites for the example we are about to explore are Vagrant and Git client .
Let's start by checking out the project code.
git clone https://github.com/vfarcic/docker-flow-proxy.git cd docker-flow-proxy
To demonstrate the benefits of Docker Flow: Proxy , we'll set up a Swarm cluster and deploy a service. We'll create four virtual machines. One ( jenkins ) will be running Jenkins , Docker Flow: Proxy and Consul . The other three machines will form the Swarm cluster with one controller and two nodes.
Since I want to concentrate on how Docker Flow: Proxy works, I'll skip detailed instructions on setting up the environments and only mention that we'll use Ansible to provision the VMs.
Before we spin up the machines, you might want to install the vagrant-cachier plugin. It will cache dependencies so that subsequent package installations are done much faster.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
Let us create the VMs.
vagrant up swarm-master swarm-node-1 swarm-node-2 jenkins
Creating and provisioning four servers requires a bit of time so grab some coffee and come back in a few minutes. We'll continue when the vagrant command is finished.
Now we have the four servers up and running. The first one (jenkins ) is running Consul , docker-flow-proxy and Jenkins containers. Consul will contain all the information we might need for proxy configuration. At the same time, it is a service discovery tool of choice for setting up a Swarm cluster. In production, you should probably run it on all servers in the cluster but, for this demo, one instance should do.
The other three VMs constitute the cluster. Besides Swarm itself, each of the machines in the cluster is running Registrator that monitors Docker events and puts data into Consul whenever a new container is run. It works the other way as well. If a container is stopped or removed, Registrator will eliminate the data from Consul. In other words, thanks to Registrator, Consul will always have up-to-date information on all containers running on the cluster.
Let's enter the jenkins VM and take a quick look at the cluster status.
vagrant ssh jenkins export DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// docker info
The output of the docker info is as follows.
Containers: 4 Running: 4 Paused: 0 Stopped: 0 Images: 4 Server Version: swarm/1.1.3 Role: primary Strategy: spread Filters: health, port, dependency, affinity, constraint Nodes: 2 swarm-node-1: └ Status: Healthy └ Containers: 2 └ Reserved CPUs: 0 / 1 └ Reserved Memory: 0 B / 1.536 GiB └ Labels: executiondriver=native-0.2, kernelversion=3.13.0-79-generic, operatingsystem=Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS, storagedriver=devicemapper └ Error: (none) └ UpdatedAt: 2016-03-21T18:45:44Z swarm-node-2: └ Status: Healthy └ Containers: 2 └ Reserved CPUs: 0 / 1 └ Reserved Memory: 0 B / 1.536 GiB └ Labels: executiondriver=native-0.2, kernelversion=3.13.0-79-generic, operatingsystem=Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS, storagedriver=devicemapper └ Error: (none) └ UpdatedAt: 2016-03-21T18:45:06Z Plugins: Volume: Network: Kernel Version: 3.13.0-79-generic Operating System: linux Architecture: amd64 CPUs: 2 Total Memory: 3.072 GiB Name: 29d99e7c2b64 <span style="font-family: sans-serif, Arial, Verdana, 'Trebuchet MS'; line-height: 1.6;">As you can see, the Swarm cluster consists of two nodes (<em>swarm-node-1</em> and <em>swarm-node-2</em> ), each has one CPU and 1.5 GB of RAM, and the status is <em>Healthy</em> .</span>
To summarize, we set up four servers. The jenkins node hosts Docker Flow: Proxy , Jenkins and Consul . Docker Flow: Proxy will be our single entry into the system, and Consul will act as service registry. All requests to our services will go to a single port 80 in the proxy node, and HAProxy will make sure that they are redirected to the final destination.
The other three nodes constitute our Docker Swarm cluster. The swarm-controller is in charge of orchestration and will deploy services to one of its nodes (at the moment only swarm-node-1 and swarm-node-2 ). Each of those nodes is running Registrator that monitors Docker events and updates Consul information about deployed (or stopped) containers.
Now that everything is set up let's deploy a few services.
Running a Single Instance of a Service
Since I'm a huge fun of everything-described-as-a-code approach, I choose to write the jobs we'll explore through the Jenkins Pipeline plugin .
We'll start by exploring the deploy-to-swarm-without-proxy job. Please open the deploy-to-swarm-without-proxy/configure screen. The Pipeline script is as follows.
node("docker") { git "https://github.com/vfarcic/docker-flow-proxy.git" withEnv(["DOCKER_HOST=tcp://"]) { sh "docker-compose -p books-ms -f docker-compose-demo.yml up -d" } }
As you can see, this is a very simple script. It defines that the pipeline should run inside the docker node and clones the code from the vfarcic/docker-flow-proxy repository. It contains a block that should be executed with the DOCKER_HOST variable set to the address of the swarm-controller . Within that block, we're running the Docker Compose command that will bring up all the containers defined in the docker-compose-demo.yml file. We could have used the CloudBeesDocker Pipeline plugin instead of the Compose. Discussion about advantages and disadvantages of using one way over the other is beyond the scope of this article.
Let's build the job and see the result. Please click the Build Now button, open the last build console screen and wait until the build is finished (please note that the first time might take a while).
We just ran a service that exposes HTTP API. The details of the service are not important for this article. What matters is that it is running on a random port exposed by Docker Engine. Since we're using Swarm, it might be running on any of its nodes. In other words, both IP and port of the service are determined by Swarm instead being controlled by us. That is a good thing since Swarm takes away tedious task of managing services in a (potentially huge) cluster. However, not knowing IP and port in advance poses a few questions, the most important one being how to access the service if we don't know where it is.
This is the moment when Registrator comes into play. It detected that a new container is running and stored its data into Consul. We can confirm that by running the following request.
curl consul:8500/v1/catalog/service/books-ms \ | jq '.'
The output of the curl command is as follows.
[ { "ServicePort": 32768, "ServiceAddress": "", "ServiceTags": null, "ServiceName": "books-ms", "ServiceID": "swarm-node-2:booksms_app_1:8080", "Address": "", "Node": "jenkins" } ]
We can see that, in this case, the service is running in (swarm-node-2 ) on the port 32768 . The name of the service (books-ms ) is the same as the name of the container we deployed.
The fact that our service was deployed somewhere inside the cluster does not mean that it is accessible to our users. As it is now, the service is useless. What we're missing is integration with the proxy service. That is the part when Docker Flow: Proxy can help.
Please open the deploy-to-swarm-with-proxy configuration screen. You'll notice that the script is slightly different.
node("docker") { git "https://github.com/vfarcic/docker-flow-proxy.git" withEnv(["DOCKER_HOST=tcp://"]) { sh "docker-compose -p books-ms -f docker-compose-demo.yml up -d" } sh "curl \"proxy:8081/v1/docker-flow-proxy/reconfigure?serviceName=books-ms&servicePath=/api/v1/books\"" }
The difference is in the last line that sends an HTTP request to the Docker Flow: Proxy API. We'll discuss the format of the request shortly. Right now, we'll run the build.
Please click the Build Now button, open the console screen of the last build and wait until it's finished.
That's it. All we had to do is send an HTTP request to reconfigure the proxy. The serviceName query contains the name of the service we want to integrate with the proxy. It needs to match the ServiceName value stored in Consul. The servicePath is the unique URL that identifies the service. HAProxy will redirect all requests with URL that begin with that value.
Let's see whether the service is indeed accessible through the proxy.
curl -I proxy/api/v1/books
The output of the curl command is as follows.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: spray-can/1.3.1 Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 22:08:11 GMT Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 2
The response is 200 OK , meaning that our service is indeed accessible through the proxy. All we had to do is tell docker-flow-proxy the name of the service and its base URL.
Scaling The Service
Docker Flow: Proxy is not limited to a single instance. It will reconfigure proxy to perform load balancing among all currently deployed instances of a service.
Let's take a look at another sample job. Please open the scale-to-swarm-with-proxy configuration screen.
You'll notice that it has a single parameter called SCALE and the Pipeline script that is as follows.
node("docker") { git "https://github.com/vfarcic/docker-flow-proxy.git" withEnv(["DOCKER_HOST=tcp://"]) { sh "docker-compose -p books-ms -f docker-compose-demo.yml scale app=${SCALE}" } sh "curl \"proxy:8081/v1/docker-flow-proxy/reconfigure?serviceName=books-ms&servicePath=/api/v1/books\"" }
This time, instead running docker-compose up , we're executing the docker-compose scale command. The number of instances we'd like to scale to is specified through the SCALE variable.
Please click the Build With Parameters link, type 3 in the SCALE field and click the Build button. You can monitor the progress by opening the last build console screen.
This time, three instances of the service are running. Docker Swarm made sure that they are distributed throughout the cluster and Docker Flow: Proxy reconfigured the HAProxy.
We can confirm that the service is, indeed, scaled by running the docker ps command.
docker ps -a --filter name=books --format "table {{.Names}}"
The output of the docker ps command is as follows.
NAMES swarm-node-2/booksms_app_2 swarm-node-1/booksms_app_3 swarm-node-1/books-ms-db swarm-node-2/booksms_app_1
As you can see, four containers (one belonging to the database and three instances of the service) are distributed across the Swarm cluster (two containers on each server). We can observe the same by querying Consul.
curl consul:8500/v1/catalog/service/books-ms \ | jq '.'
This time, Consul returned different results.
[ { "ServicePort": 32768, "ServiceAddress": "", "ServiceTags": null, "ServiceName": "books-ms", "ServiceID": "swarm-node-2:booksms_app_1:8080", "Address": "", "Node": "jenkins" }, { "ServicePort": 32769, "ServiceAddress": "", "ServiceTags": null, "ServiceName": "books-ms", "ServiceID": "swarm-node-2:booksms_app_2:8080", "Address": "", "Node": "jenkins" }, { "ServicePort": 32768, "ServiceAddress": "", "ServiceTags": null, "ServiceName": "books-ms", "ServiceID": "swarm-node-1:booksms_app_3:8080", "Address": "", "Node": "jenkins" } ]
Finally, we can double check that the proxy is still working.
curl -I jenkins/api/v1/books
From this moment on, HAProxy is configured to perform load balancing across all three instances. We can continue scaling (and de-scaling) the service and, as long as we send the reconfigure request, the proxy will load-balance requests across all instances. They can be distributed among any number of servers, or even across different datacenters (as long as they are accessible from the proxy server).
Please give Docker Flow: Proxy a try. Deploy multiple services, scale them, destroy them and so on. More information can be found in the project README .
Before moving onto the next task, please do not forget to stop (or destroy) the VMs we created and free your resources.
exit vagrant destroy -f