Container Clusters in 3D!

Written by: Electric bee

Unprecedented 3D view of Kubernetes services and CloudBees Flow application models.

Container runtime environments can get complex - quickly. As environments grow, it becomes more and more important to understand the mesh of interconnected pieces. To really understand the entire topology - seeing the clusters, services and containers and how they are connected – requires taking a step back to visualize the entire picture.
Trying to create this picture in Kubernetes is a challenge: clicking between menus and navigating to see all of the different components, and then trying to piece it together mentally. Nothing is presented in one view. Dev teams trying to get runtime data, check on the health of containers, or access logs for troubleshooting often don’t even have direct access to Kubernetes. They have to open a Jira ticket requesting the data from Kubernetes administrators, and then wait.
While Kubernetes does present the different clusters and namespaces, there is no way to understand what business applications belong to which services. Dev teams can’t see which clusters are running their applications and Kubernetes administrators have no idea how applications interact with each other or impact the business. The whole point of modeling and deploying microservices with CloudBees Flow is to see more detailed deployment data and identify which services were deployed using Flow processes.
SmartMap takes a huge step forward in addressing container visibility.

SmartMap transforms the way you view container clusters

The SmartMap view pulls cluster data from Kubernetes to provide ground-breaking visibility and insight in a single view. This interactive 3D visualization shows all the interconnected pieces of the Kubernetes topology: from clusters, to namespaces, to services, to pods, and to containers.

SmartMap Topology View of a Kubernetes cluster and CloudBees Flow environment

Interact and understand the topology

Focus on hot spots (in red) by zooming in and out on the rotating view.

All of the data is a click away

Clicking on any of the objects opens a pane with detailed status and data from Kubernetes. There is no need to navigate through Kubernetes or work with an administrator to retrieve this information.

Find trouble spots, and easily troubleshoot with direct access to Container log files

Troubleshooting and impact analysis is simplified with SmartMap. Services with issues are highlighted in red, and clicking on the objects provides more details into the issue. Retrieving container log files directly within the view is just another click.

See the connections between business applications and CloudBees Flow objects

The topology connects the Kubernetes cluster with the mapped CloudBees Flow Environments, Microservices, and Applications. Connections are easily traversed to see how services are related to business applications and deployment history.

Click an object to pull live data in the right pane

The SmartMap Topology View for traditional applications

SmartMap is not limited to container cluster environments. This 3D visualization is accessible throughout CloudBees Flow, providing different data and perspectives, like interdependent applications and environments. SmartMap provides one place to view the topology and deployment history for multiple, interdependent applications.
SmartMap gives a high level visualization of the dependencies across applications and their connected environments. Clicking into the details of an application or an environment opens the deployment history, giving access to deployment data for the dependent applications and environments in a single view.

SmartMap Topology View of 4 interdependent applications and environments, with deployment details.
Check out the video to see SmartMap in action

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