The last 10 months have been a great and crazy ride! Today the CloudBees team is proud to announce the GA (General Availability) of our integrated cloud platform , the only one on the market to provide a complete environment spanning from development to production.
This release is solid: DEV@cloud has more than 500 accounts with over 300,000 build minutes logged and RUN@cloud has more than 3,000 apps. RUN@cloud integrates the field-tested Stax platform which was the first PaaS on the market. While this release is based on Tomcat for now (see the Road Ahead below), you can already run quite a few other languages/frameworks: JRuby , Play , Scala, LiftWeb, PHP , etc.
(More images on RUN@cloud page.)
The Road Ahead
We have a lot of great features being worked on in our engineering pipeline (extended scalability, HA, additional resource types, etc.)
Pricing for DEV@cloud has now been published, it will only be effective around then end of February – for now DEV@cloud it is still free. As you will see, the future pricing features a base offering that will always be free. We will also launch new types of offering options in the near future.
Pricing information for RUN@cloud will be made public later in February – so usage is free for now. Much like for DEV@cloud , we will also provide a free plan.
Sacha Labourey, CEO