CloudBees Feature Management Is Available on AWS Marketplace!

Written by: Nick Rendall

4 min read

We are excited to announce that CloudBees Feature Management is available on the AWS Marketplace!

Why is this exciting for you?

If you’re doing business on the AWS Marketplace already, there is huge value to continuing with that procurement channel. Setting up new vendors can be a lengthy process and we want you to be able to realize the benefits feature flags as quickly as possible. Additionally, when you purchase and deploy an AWS Marketplace solution, customers have the potential of receiving cloud credits through the AWS Enterprise Discount Program (EDP).

What do you get when investing in CloudBees Feature Management on the AWS Marketplace?

Enterprise feature flag usage is rapidly increasing due to clear benefits in reducing risk in releases, developer productivity, and shortened feedback loops between users and developers. However, most companies start their feature flag usage with internal “homegrown” systems that cannot fit the needs of growing enterprise development teams over time due to scaling issues around infrastructure, data privacy and security, governance, and desired advanced functionality.

CloudBees Feature Management, built on AWS, allows you to successfully scale feature flags as the practice grows across your global development teams. Feature Management allows you to divide large software releases into discrete, controllable features. By decoupling feature deployment from code release, you can test and tailor customer experiences in production in real-time, with the flip of a switch. This drastically reduces risk and no longer requires business and development teams to work in lockstep during a release.

CloudBees Feature Management is the industry’s most secure enterprise feature flag management tool as its unique architecture collects no personally identifiable information (PII). Further, the tool is specifically geared at driving developer productivity with native config-as-code functionality. It directly integrates with other CloudBees CI and CD solutions to drive greater value, functionality, and visibility out of the entire CI/CD toolchain.

CloudBees Feature Management and AWS provide scalability, privacy, and fault tolerance for global enterprises 

CloudBees Feature Management uses a unique stateless architecture, meaning each SDK pulls a static JSON file from our storage on AWS.

“When we began designing the architecture for Feature Management, it became clear that we need a powerful solution for enterprises that would scale to their needs regardless of future usage of growth. Our stateless architecture combined with AWS infrastructure gave us that future-proofing," said Erez Rusovsky.

This architecture provides:

  • Scale - It doesn’t matter if you have hundreds of users or millions of users, the SDK fetches a static file from AWS

  • Speed - No computation is done on the CloudBees Feature Management servers. All flag computation is done in memory on the target platform

  • Resiliency - CloudBees Feature Management servers are NOT in the critical path of your software. If Feature Management is down for some reason, you will simply be unable to make flag changes via the dashboard but there will be no impact on your application. Also, the SDKs have a caching mechanism. In the case of a network issue, the effects are minimal as well.

  • Privacy - CloudBees Feature Management does not send or know any of your users' private data - everything happens on the target application.

  • Global Usage - CloudBees Feature Management leverages the power of Amazon CloudFront for its Content Delivery Network (CDN). The deliberate inclusion of CloudFront in our architecture provides a unique advantage over other technologies' CDN systems that report outages and difficulties in certain geographic areas. In short, this part of our Feature Management infrastructure alleviates developers from creating proxies or requiring bootstrapping that would otherwise be necessary to maintain a connection in problematic regions.

Together, CloudBees Feature Management and AWS provide companies with a scalable, enterprise-ready solution for feature flag management that will grow as their companies do!


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