How to Get Started Selling CloudBees Feature Management

Join us for a 1-hour session providing an overview of CloudBees Feature Management as a core part of the CloudBees portfolio, along with everything you need to be successful in identifying new opportunities to sell it with your customers.

The “progressive delivery” of software using feature flags has become increasingly standardized in recent years, and yet it remains a greenfield segment for many companies already mature on CI/CD tool sets. CloudBees Feature Management allows companies to effectively scale feature flag usage to achieve progressive delivery at scale, either with or without the rest of the CloudBees platform. 

Join us on:

  • June 14, 2022: 1pm AEST

  • June 15, 2022: 3pm CET

  • June 16, 2022: 1pm ET

This webinar will cover: 

  • A brief introduction to feature flags and progressive delivery

  • An overview of CloudBees Feature Management

  • Feature Management Personas and message to them

  • How Feature Management fits with CI/CD and the rest of the CloudBees platform

  • Feature Management competitive market and how we position ourselves

This session is intended for partners in the following roles:

  • Sales Engineers

  • Account Executives

Other who may find this session useful:

  • Implementers

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