Two Sessions to Fit Your Time Zone
This webinar will be offered at two different times to support attendees across various regions. Choose the session that works best for you and join us to explore Jenkins at Scale Using CloudBees CI AWS EKS Blueprints.
Session 1:
March 4, 2025: 10am GMT | 11am CETSession 2:
March 4, 2025: 10am PST | 1pm EST
Streamline Jenkins Deployments with CloudBees CI on Amazon EKS
Learn how to use the CloudBees CI add-on for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) blueprints to deploy Jenkins workloads for the enterprise with speed and at scale.
During this webinar, CloudBees technical experts will demonstrate how to use the Amazon EKS blueprints to effortlessly whip up Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service clusters that take advantage of the extensive features of CloudBees CI, including integrations with best-in-class cloud services for observability, secret management or backup among other functionalities.
Join the webinar to understand:
How to run Jenkins in Kubernetes
How CloudBees CI makes Jenkins more scalable and resilient
How to deploy CloudBees CI on EKS using Infrastructure and Configuration as Code
How CloudBees CI seamlessly integrates with industry-leading tools like Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, OpenTelemetry Collector, HashiCorp Vault, and Velero
How to connect CloudBees CI workloads with AWS services such as S3, ECR or CloudWatch
How to operate with CloudBees CI EKS Blueprint for Observability, Backup, Image Registries or Secret Management