CloudBees Engineering Efficiency

Unlock data insights to improve software delivery speed, predictability and quality

CloudBees Engineering Efficiency unlocks engineering productivity data from Jira, Jenkins, GitHub and CloudBees CI to create one centralized view of software development activity across the organization. It provides engineering leaders with the insights they need to keep teams focused on delivering value quickly and predictably to customers and the business.

Quantify where engineering time is spent

How much of the engineering effort goes towards new innovation and adding business value? Track and measure engineering time spent on new feature development, support, QA and maintenance in order to better balance resources between delivering fast enough on the important initiatives and addressing technical debt, or dealing with interruptions.

Focus development work on the right things

Easily determine what projects or epics have progressed forward and where other work is slowing down and blocking prioritized development work. Have the visibility to proactively remove barriers and distractions so your teams can focus on delivering as planned.

Improve software delivery speed and predictability

Measure your team’s cycle time from when development started to when changes are deployed. Discover areas in the software delivery process that are not working well and reducing velocity. Identify process improvements, giving you confidence in your team's development agility in order to deliver quickly, frequently and predictably.


Launch Event: CloudBees Software Delivery Management Learn how CloudBees Software Delivery Management is changing how companies are delivering software by connecting software delivery with broader business functions.

Breaking Down Silos to Improve Software Delivery Organizations are succeeding with DevOps and CI/CD. But silos exist between development and the business functions.

Product Brief Deliver value quickly and predictably to your customers and the business with CloudBees Engineering Efficiency.