NGINX as a Reverse Proxy for Docker Swarm Clusters

Written by: Lorenzo Fontana

Spawning services across multiple Docker engines is a very cool thing, but those services need to connect each other and be found by public-facing nodes in order to be routed to users. A way to achieve that is to use NGINX as a reverse proxy by defining one or more public-facing nodes. These nodes are going to have NGINX configured to proxy request to each container exposing your service.

In this post, we are going to see how to use NGINX as a reverse proxy for load-balancing containerized HTTP applications running in a Swarm cluster. We will also look at how to automate the service discovery (a.k.a., auto-add new containers running the same service) to the NGINX configuration using ehazlett/interlock.


To follow this post and execute all the examples, you will need the following:

  • Docker Machine >= 0.7.0: to provision Docker engines. You can obtain Docker Machine here.

  • Docker Compose >= 1.7.1: to orchestrate the application's services.

  • Docker client >= 1.11.1: for talking with the Swarm manager. You can obtain the Docker client here.

  • Digital Ocean API Token: to allow docker-machine to create machines on which to provision its engines. You can generate your token here.

Creating the Swarm cluster

To begin, we need a Swarm cluster with these characteristics:

  • At least one public-facing node to host the NGINX proxy. Multiple nodes can be created and balanced using DNS.

  • At least one node to host the Swarm manager. Swarm has built-in HA, which is not needed for this tutorial. Implementing it is left as an exercise for the reader; see here.

  • At least one node to host the key/value datastore. Here I used Consul. As for the Swarm manager, you might want to have at least three nodes for this in production. This kind of node is not in the Swarm cluster.

To make this step easier, I created a script that creates all the required nodes on Digital Ocean.

# nodes to create configuration
nodes="node01 node02 node03"
# Create the KV node using consul
docker-machine create \
    -d digitalocean \
    --digitalocean-access-token=$DO_ACCESS_TOKEN \
docker-machine ssh consul docker run -d \
    -p "8500:8500" \
    -h "consul" \
    progrium/consul -server -bootstrap
KV_IP=$(docker-machine ip consul)
# Create the Swarm Manager
echo "Create swarm manager"
docker-machine create \
    -d digitalocean \
    --digitalocean-access-token=$DO_ACCESS_TOKEN \
    --swarm --swarm-master \
    --swarm-discovery=$KV_ADDR \
    --engine-opt="cluster-store=${KV_ADDR}" \
    --engine-opt="cluster-advertise=eth0:2376" \
# Create Public facing Swarm nodes
for node in $public_nodes; do
    echo "Creating ${node}"
    docker-machine create \
        -d digitalocean \
        --digitalocean-size "4gb" \
        --engine-label public=yes \
        --digitalocean-access-token=$DO_ACCESS_TOKEN \
        --swarm \
        --swarm-discovery=$KV_ADDR \
        --engine-opt="cluster-store=${KV_ADDR}" \
        --engine-opt="cluster-advertise=eth0:2376" \
    ) &
# Create other Swarm nodes
for node in $nodes; do
    echo "Creating ${node}"
    docker-machine create \
        -d digitalocean \
        --digitalocean-size "2gb" \
        --engine-label public=no \
        --digitalocean-access-token=$DO_ACCESS_TOKEN \
        --swarm \
        --swarm-discovery=$KV_ADDR \
        --engine-opt="cluster-store=${KV_ADDR}" \
        --engine-opt="cluster-advertise=eth0:2376" \
    ) &
# Print Cluster Information
echo ""
echo "Consul UI: http://${KV_IP}:8500"
echo "Environment variables to connect trough docker cli"
docker-machine env --swarm manager

Just copy the script to a file named and give execution permissions with chmod +x To execute the script, you will need to give it the previously generated Digital Ocean API token.

export DO_ACCESS_TOKEN=<your-digitalocean-api-token>

This is how our cluster looks:

Now that we have our cluster, we have to export the right environment variables to connect to it using our local Docker client. To do that:

eval $(docker-machine env --swarm manager)

To verify that you are connected to the Swarm cluster:

docker info | grep "Server Version:"

That should output something like:

Server Version: swarm/1.2.3

Running Your Application into the Cluster

Now that our Swarm cluster is ready, we just need to start our application. For this purpose, I chose the super cool Cats vs Dogs Voting Demo Application.

The application consists of three parts:

  • The Voting Application, where you actually choose between cats and dogs

  • The Result Application

  • The worker, in charge of persisting votes in the Postgres database

For dependencies, it has Postgres and Redis databases.

In order to run our application, we are going to need a docker-compose.yml file that will start an instance of each microservice and the dependencies.

version: "2"
    image: docker/example-voting-app-voting-app:latest
      - "80"
      - redis
      - front-tier
      - back-tier
    image: docker/example-voting-app-result-app:latest
      - "80"
      - db
      - front-tier
      - back-tier
    image: docker/example-voting-app-worker:latest
      - back-tier
    image: redis:alpine
    ports: ["6379"]
      - back-tier
    image: postgres:9.5
      - "db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
      - back-tier

If you start it, you should obtain something like this:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                         COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                    NAMES
266c4ec6c51d        docker/example-voting-app-result-app:latest   "node server.js"         14 seconds ago      Up 10 seconds       104.236.XXX.XXX:32768->80/tcp            node01/nginxreverseproxy_result-app_1
8cefe6ad38b9        docker/example-voting-app-voting-app:latest   "python"          14 seconds ago      Up 11 seconds       104.236.XXX.XXX:32769->80/tcp             node02/nginxreverseproxy_voting-app_1
e04fa43c9909        redis:alpine                                  ""   17 seconds ago      Up 14 seconds       104.236.XXX.XXX:32768->6379/tcp           node02/nginxreverseproxy_redis_1
8e802ff973aa        postgres:9.5                                  "/docker-entrypoint.s"   17 seconds ago      Up 14 seconds       5432/tcp                                 node01/nginxreverseproxy_db_1
e434f6a9ff9c        docker/example-voting-app-worker:latest       "java -jar target/wor"   17 seconds ago      Up 15 seconds                                                public01/nginxreverseproxy_worker_1

But hang on. We are not going to start docker-compose.yml because it's not suitable for a cluster. In fact:

  • We don't have an entry point or a defined set of entry points which point to our DNS. If you look at the above output, you should note that things were scheduled without any specific constraint.

  • Our Postgres database has a mounted volume bound to the node on which the container is running. But what happens if the container is rescheduled on another node?

  • Front-end applications should be on the 80 or 443 ports, not on casual ones.

  • If you scale web applications with docker-compose scale, those are not load balanced.

So, one thing at a time: To solve the problem of the single entry point for our DNS servers, we are going to need an automated way to register our services into a proxy. In our case, we’ll use NGINX and ehazlett/interlock for this purpose.

With Interlock, each time that a service is added or scaled, it will be added into the pool of the NGINX proxy_pass so that NGINX can route and balance request to the right containers. In this way, the single entry point for the HTTP requests made to the cluster will be the NGINX container that's bound to the public01 node using the constraint: constraint:node==public01. This also solves the problem that, when scaling containers using docker-compose scale, requests across containers are balanced. You can always start more public nodes and balance them using DNS balancing.

For the Postgres database, the only thing we can do here is to bind it to a specific node so that we can be sure that it is not rescheduled on another machine.

Obviously this will increase the chances of failure -- it's creating a single point of failure on the cluster. However, there's a way to run stateful services like databases in production by allowing your volumes to follow your containers. It's called Flocker, and unfortunately it was not suitable for this post, but you can learn more here.

To set up this interlock, you will need this docker-compose.yml:

    image: ehazlett/interlock:master
    command: -D run -c /etc/interlock/config.toml
    tty: true
        - 8080
            ListenAddr = ":8080"
            DockerURL = "${SWARM_HOST}"
            TLSCACert = "/etc/docker/ca.pem"
            TLSCert = "/etc/docker/server.pem"
            TLSKey = "/etc/docker/server-key.pem"
            Name = "nginx"
            ConfigPath = "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
            PidPath = "/var/run/"
            TemplatePath = ""
            MaxConn = 1024
            Port = 80
        - /etc/docker:/etc/docker:ro
    image: nginx:latest
    entrypoint: nginx
    command: -g "daemon off;" -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
        - 80:80
        - ""
        - "constraint:node==public01

As you can see, we’re starting an interlock container that can connect to the Swarm cluster and updates the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf each time it’s needed. Note that the NGINX container is bound to the public01 node, so all our HTTP services will be accessible trough that node.

To start this on your cluster:

eval $(docker-machine env --swarm manager)
export SWARM_HOST=tcp://$(docker-machine ip manager):2376
docker-compose up -d

Now that our cluster is ready, we can change our application's docker-compose.yml to reflect our thoughts:

version: "2"
    hostname: voting.local
    image: docker/example-voting-app-voting-app:latest
      - "80"
      - redis
      - front-tier
      - back-tier
      - "interlock.hostname=voting"
      - "interlock.domain=local"
    hostname: result.local
    image: docker/example-voting-app-result-app:latest
      - "80"
      - db
      - front-tier
      - back-tier
      - "interlock.hostname=result"
      - "interlock.domain=local"
    image: docker/example-voting-app-worker:latest
      - back-tier
    image: redis:alpine
    ports: ["6379"]
      - back-tier
    image: postgres:9.5
      - "db-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
      - back-tier
      - "constraint:node==node01"

A few things are different now:

  • The voting and result apps now have the hostname and the interlock's hostname and domain labels that are used by interlock to configure NGINX.

  • The Postgres database now is bound to the node01.

The last thing to do is to add the IP address of the public01 node to your DNS records. For simplicity, you can add it to your local host’s file. You can obtain the right host’s line with this command:

echo $(docker-machine ip public01) voting.local result.local

Now you can just run the applications with a docker-compose up and point your browser to http://voting.local to choose your favorite pet! (Pro tip: Cats are the right choice.)


In this post, we achieved a few things in a relatively simple way by using just the official tools provided by Docker. The coolest achievement was that our entire cluster is now exposed as a single Docker daemon by the Swarm manager which also matches the definition of cluster you can find on Wikipedia:

A computer cluster consists of a set of loosely or tightly connected computers that work together so that, in many respects, they can be viewed as a single system.

PS: If you liked this article you might also be interested in one of our free eBooks from our Codeship Resources Library. Download it here: Working with Docker Machine, Compose and Swarm

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